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London Dinner 2025
Stewart Society members and their guests are invited to join the London Chair, George Stewart at the Caledonian Club in May for an interesting evening with pipes, scottish music and a facinating guest speaker.
Date and a booking form is available now. Book here
St Andrews Students 2024/25
If you are a current St Andrews undergraduate student with the last name Stewart/Stuart then the university has been in touch with you. The Trustees reception will take place at the Beacon Bar, Students' Union, St Andrews on March 19 at 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you then.
If you are a Stewart/Stuart student in full time higher or further edcation elsewhere in Scotland including the Open University then you may be eligible for a small grant for activites such as attending a conference or spending time abroad to support your studies.
Contact the Secretary to discuss.
You can donate to the Stewart Society Benevolent Fund here. The Stewart Society Benevolent Fund
It is time to renew your membership to The Stewart Society. Our memberships run from January to December, and we encourage you to rejoin us to enjoy the many benefits our Society offers, including exclusive events, access to unique historical resources, and a vibrant community of fellow Stewarts.
The 2024 magazine will be out soon and all 2024 members will receive a copy.
Easy Renewal Options:
PayPal Subscriptions: Convenient and secure.
Join for more than one year.
Join Here
You could also consider making a small donation towards the running costs of the Society - Make a donation to the Stewart Society
Important Note: If you joined the Stewart Society after 1st October 2024, your membership is already valid for 2025, and no further action is needed. If you are not sure of your status or think you have already paid then please contact the Secretary. Contact her here
Magazine and newsletter
We welcome contributions from members to our newsletters - please send anything to the Secretary. The Spring edition will be out March/April 2025. Please let Jenn know if you have any annoucements/events/short articles to submit.
The Magazine 2024 is in production and will be out soon. You should have received an email with the link to the digitial version of the 2024 magazine. You can read it here The Stewarts 2024
If you are interested in contributing to the magazine in 2025. Contributions are welcome on all topics with a Stewart/Stuart/Steuart connection - family histories, family trees and family research: prominenent characters in the past and the present day; places, buildings, works of art, objects literature, folklore, music and tartans.
Both academic and non-specialist articles are accepted.
Before sending your article please contact The editor.
Please note contributions should be submitted by 30 April 2025.
Society closure for the holidays
The Society will be closed on 25/02 - 3/03/25
We are looking for members who can attend Highland Games and other events, welcome new people to the Society and recruit new members.
Do you live in : -
Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana, Mississippi? Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island & New Foundland?
We are looking for Commissioners to represent the Society in those places - if you are interested please contact the Commissioners' secretary - John Lansley - email John here
If there is a Highland Games or other Scottish event in your area and youwish to represent the Society - get in touch!
We would also welcome throughout the UK members to attend Highland Games and other events to represent the Society and recruit new members in 2025.
Contact Jenn to discuss - email Jenn here
The Trustees of the Benevolent Fund are:-
Earl of Moray (2021),
Annie Stewart (2021),
Jamie Stewart ygr of Ardvorlich (2022)
Geordie Burnett Stuart of Crichie (2022)
Catherine Maxwell Stuart of Traquair (2021).
Earl of Galloway (2021)
The Trustees of the Heritage Trust are:-
Earl of Moray (Chair, 2024)
Lachlan Stewart (2021),
Charles Steuart Fothringham (2024)
and Catherine Maxwell Stuart of Traquair (2024)
The 2022 Accounts are available on the members' downloads.
The London Dinner of the Stewart Society
The London Dinner will be on Wednesday 21st May at the Caledonian Club, Halkin St, London.
We are very pleased to say that the Guest of Honour will be Rory Stewart, academic, broadcaster, writer, former diplomat, politician and most recently presenter of the podcast - The Rest is Politics with Alistair Campbell. We are fortunate to have a piper and Siannie Moodie. on her clarsach in addition to our speaker. Please complete the form by Friday 2 May 2025 at the latest however places are limited so book early for what will be a popular event.
2025 Gathering and AGM
Watch this space for announcement for next year.
Highland Games and other events
Scottish Arts Indoor Festival, Manchester, New Hampshire
12 April 2025
More Information here
The London Dinner
21 May 2025, Caledonian Club London
Booking Open Now!
Council, Heritage Trust and Benevolent Fund meetings
The next meeting of the Council of the Stewart Society, Benevolent Fund and Heritage Trust will be in Spring 2025. Date to be confirmed.
Library Visits
We are pleased to say that we welcome visits to the Stewart Society again by members, researchers and Stewarts/Stuarts on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please email Jenn to check she is available before visiting. There is not normally anyone available on Friday.
You can also get in touch with Jenn and ask her advice on your research or see if she can find a particular article or book via email. Please be patient as Jenn is not in the office all the time so it may take a few days to answer a query or find something you are looking for.
Researchers if you have an urgent query , do get in touch and Jenn will try to help you.
If you would like to make a donation to the Stewart Heritage Fund which is the charity that buys the books for the library and maintains the archive, you can do so here Donate to the Heritage Fund
Do you get your newsletter by post? Have you considered receving it by email?
You can read it any time on any device you like and at time when postage grows ever more expensive save the Society a little money.
If you would like to make a donation to help with postage or any other adminstration costs to the Stewart Society then you can do so here. The Stewart Society is not a charity.
Make sure you don't miss anything
Why not take out a Standing order (UK bank accounts only) or a Paypal subscription then you will not have to remember to renew your membership.
You can download a standing order here
Useful Links
Want help looking for your Stewart ancestors?
Try these links first. All helpfully gathered together in one place. Updated regularly so keep checking
Want to know more about the real history of tartan? Who wore what and when? How the Stuarts used tartan to help them with the Jacobite cause?