History of the Stewarts | Family Lines
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GEORGE Steuart
17th of Grantully, 5th Bart

(154) SIR GEORGE, FIFTH BARONET, who died 1827, leaving three sons:-
a) Sir John, sixth Baronet; died 1838.
b) Sir William, seventh Baronet; died 1871.
Arms: as recorded 1839.-1 and 4. Gold, a fess chequy blue and silver between three blue buckles in chief and a black galley, oars in action, in base. 2. Gold, three wavy bars, within a wavy bordure red. 3. Quarterly; first, Gold, a mountain in flames proper, second, blue, a stag´s head cabossed gold, third, Red, three legs conjoined in fess, in armour proper, garnished and spurred gold; fourth, Silver, on a black pale an imperial crown proper, within a red double tressure flory-counter-flory. This quarter within an ermine bordure CREST: Two bees counter volant proper. MOTTO: "Provyd." [Plate VI., fig. 83].
c) Sir Archibald, eighth and last Baronet of Grantully; died 1890.
Note.-The heir of entail to the Estates of Grantully and Murthly, Ferthshire, was W. T. J. Scrymsoure-Steuart-Fotheringham of Pourie, Forfarshire, descended from David Fotheringham of Pourie, who married, in 1656, Marjorie, daughter of Sir Thomas Steuart of Grantully. In 1800 he assumed the name of Steuart, and recorded his Arms, the fourth quarter being Steuart of Grantul1y, as at (148 a) above (Lyon Register).