History of the Stewarts | Family Lines
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WALTER Stewart
1st Earl of Menteth (S.)

(156) WALTER STEWART, EARL OF MENTETH (S.), third son of WALTER , Third High Steward . He was known as "Bailloch" or "the_freckled."
Married Mary, sister of Isabella, Countess of Menteth.
He had the title adjudged to him 1258, and was confirmed in it 1285.
Died about 1295 leaving two sons
a) Alexander ALEXANDER, 2nd Earl of Menteth .
b) Sir John JOHN , Sir John.
Arms: His Seal shows fess chequy, with label five points in chief (Laing). [Plate VI., fig. 84.] These Arms are also on his monument in the Priory of Inchmahome, Lake of Menteith.
According to Nisbet the label was blue when these Arms were quartered by Robert, Duke of Albany ROBERT, Duke of Albany .